Noticia 8 Marc Larruy

30 million files have been sent to the Moon in case there is a catastrophy

El dispositivo de nanotecnología de 100 gramos, compuesto por 25 discos de níquel


Last week, the "Arch Mission Foundation", (an Israeli initiative) sent an archive with 30 million pages about human history and culture to the Moon.
This project have the objective to preserve for billions years the register of our civilization out of the Earth, in case that an horrible disaster occur and destroy the Earth and our civilization forever.

The object responsible for this project, known as lunar library is going to land in the Moon the next month, April. It covers all cultures, nations, languages, genres and time periods. It's made of nanotechnoly, and it's like a mini-DVD, it only weight 100 g. This DVD is in a little robot called Beresheet.

But you will think, how can 30 million files be archived a mini-DVD? Well, it has a very difficult process and for reading the pages it's necessary a powerful microscope, as each letter has the size of a bacillus bacteria.

DATE: 4/03/2019
SCIENTIFIC SCOPE: space technology
GLOSSARY: lunar library: the informal name of the mini-DVD
                      nanotechnology: technology made of microchips
                      bacillus bacteria: a type of bacteria with a stick form


I think this invention is a fantastic idea, and is the best way to keep all the discovers that have been done during the human period, as it would be very sad that all disappeared without leaving any track.

The nanotechnology doesn't amazed me, because it has already exist, but if you think that there are 30 million files of information in a little DVD you will gone crazy.

But now, talking about the information that is going to the Moon, I have a question; imagine that this device arrive to the Moon, that is 99% possible, then, imagine that the Earth explode and we all disapear. Who is going to read and understand this lunar library? I'm not discarding the idea that aliens exist, but how they could understand or simply analyze that object? Maybe, the talk another language or they use another type of technology so I don't know if it will work.

So, in conclusion I think that's a good idea, and it's better this than anything. But, when we're at this point we can't do anything more until we discover others civilizations and learn about them.


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