Noticia 8 Amós García


SpaceX Dragon capsule docks with space station

Resultat d'imatges de dragon spacex
Spacex Dragon Capsule


America's new astronaut capsule has successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS) as part of its demonstration mission.
The Dragon vehicle, launched by California's SpaceX company on Saturday, made the attachment autonomously.It is the latest in a series of tests the capsule must pass in order to get approval from Nasa to transport people.
All this particular mission is carrying is a test dummy and 90kg of supplies.But if everything goes according to plan, astronauts could be launching in the Dragon as early as July.

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3 March 2019
Scientific scope


Specex--> Is a private American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by entrepreneur Elon Musk.

Iss-->The International Space Station is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in low Earth orbit. Its first component was launched into orbit in 1998.


This new is a very good new, I explain myself, all knew that space goals are important but this goal is specially important because it supposes a lot of improves in the space field, this trip is the first of many trips that are going to be succeeding one after other. The docking of the space x dragon is the starting line of the private companies aerospace career, the other companies like Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic are going to start sending rockets to space, rockets that are going to be competing one with others for the leader, for be the kings of the new era of private spacecrafts and, maybe, who knows the era of the space tourism.

Anyway,if this new is the starting line of a new era is to be seen but in any case this new is another step forward in the world of technology and science.


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