Noticia 1 Joan Diego

Tiny Palm el pequeño teléfono suplementario inteligente


It is the Tiny Palm, mark Palm, which has just been released in the United States.The device is
about the size of a credit card and has two chambers, but do not have headphone jack or wireless charging.

Is designed to help people to "take a break" from their main mobile phone, while it is in itself a
Smartphone fully functional. In its promotional material it describes it as "a product fully networked that
is synchronized with your existing Smartphone  so all your connectivity can go where your Smartphone cannot".


It is a great new innovation that this emerging company have done. At first the device seems a little bit
unfunctional because you can think that there is nothing different from a mobile phone, but it has new

Firstly, it is more handy than a typical smartphone and you also can carry it from your wrist with
a string. Secondly, Palm does not occupy as much space as the phone does. Finally and what i think it is the
most important, Palm can be used like a smartphone as it has the same OS as an Android, this makes that
this device can compete with big brands like Iphone or Samsung and has nothing to envy.

-Link or reference:

october 17th 2018

OS: Operating system
wireless: using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other


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