Noticia 2 Marc Larruy

Scientists of Harvard speculate that the first interstellar visitor is an old aien spaceship

Resultat d'imatges de Scientists of "Harvard" speculate that the first interstellar visitor is an old alien spacecraft


In October of 2017 the astronomers of the University of Hawaii detected an object named "Oummuamua", which means explorer in Hawaiian.

At fisrt they thought it was a comet, an idea that was discarded as it lacked a tail and a comma. Later it was believed that it was an asteroid, but it wasn't known why its acceleration. And they even thought it could be an alien spaceship.

After several studies it has been concluded that it could be a "light sail", that is a spacecraft that is propelled by radiation pressure and that has been sent by another civilization to look for signs of life, and now it's in disuse.

DATE: 7/11/2018
GLOSSARY. Tail and comma: two parts of a comet.


Actually, everyone would like that the third idea was the right one, becouse discovering that is another civilization in the universe, would be the greatest discovery for humanity. Now, the chances of this object being artificial and coming from another part of the galaxy are very small, since it could be an object that had never been seen from Earth, but it already existed.

So, I think, although all the other possibilities have been discarded, we shouldn't assume that it is the remaining idea, and continue investigating about other causes that could have influenced this strange case.

But, it's also true that everytime, we have the feeling of being closer to a great discovery as the scientific and tecnological advances are being amazing. In summary, if everybody continue investing in this, we will discover a lot of things, and maybe some that are unthinkable nowadays.


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