Noticia 3 Marc Larruy

The unprecented discovery of the twin brother of the Sun at 184 light years.



An international team of astronomers have detected a star that is very similar to the Sun. It's at the same temperature, it has the same luminosity, the same chemical composition, and the same age, 4.500 million years.

This new star, called "HD 186302", is 184 light years away, and it will allow the scientists discover the birthplace of the sun.

Another big question that astronomers will try to answer is if some planet around "HD 86302" could have life, what will mean that there is an Earth 2.0 in addition to a Sun 2.0.

DATE: 23/11/2018
GLOSSARY. HD 186302: name of the new star.
                     Birthplace: place where it was born/created.


So another star, another sun, and perhaps another planet with life. This is increasingly going further, and is about to see what awaits us. Science is evolving to unsupected levels, and if we talk about astronomy even more.

In my opinion nowadays people can understand that exists an Earth 2.0, becouse we have discovered a Sun very similar to ours, but a few years ago this would be unthinkable for most people.

Assuming that this discovery is 100% true, I think we should start looking for a way to get there, since 184 light years is not anything, but discover another civilization even less.


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