
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2019

Noticia 2 tercer trimentre

- Header 'Extremist' Google algorithms concern ex-police chief - Summary Ex-Met Police assistant commissioner Sir Mark Rowley says it is a disgrace a jailed radical preacher ranks top for search term "British Muslim spokesman" and that "These algorithms are designed to push us towards contentious material because that feeds their bottom line of advertising revenues, by pushing readers to extremist material." He complains about the fact that sites like google are pushing us into controversial pages that in many cases are radical and encourage violence, to prevent that he demands to the companies to edit her algorithms to prevent that. - Link or reference https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-48068912 - Date 26 April 2019 - Scientific scope Technology - Glossary Algorithm -I s an unambiguous specification of how to solve a class of problems and can perform calculation, data processing, automated reasoning, and other tasks. - Commment



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Noticia 9 Joan Diego

«Resucitan» algunas funciones de cerebros de cerdos cuatro horas después de haber muerto Resumen: Un grupo de científicos de la  Universidad de Yale  (EE. UU.) ha conseguido  restaurar la circulación y la actividad celular  en el cerebro de varios cerdos cuatro horas después de haber muerto, desafiando todos los dogmas actuales sobre la rapidez de la degradación de este órgano vital. Sin embargo, los investigadores  advierten sobre dos puntos : en primer lugar,  no se «resucitaron» completamente los cerebros porcinos , ya que en ningún caso hubo evidencia de actividad cerebral normal -solo de algunas funciones-; y, segundo, si investigaciones sucesivas quieren indagar en la posibilidad de emular al  Doctor Frankenstein , e incluso aplicar esta tecnología en cerebros humanos,  habrá que realizar estudios éticos preliminares  para ver hasta dónde se puede llegar con esta tecnología, que promete ser toda una revolución al menos en el campo del ensayo. Comentario: A mi parecer e

Noticia 9 Marc Larruy

The first mini live heart printed in 3D and made with human tissue and veins SUMMARY A team of researchers created a living heart using human tissue and a 3D printer for the first time. That heart is alive and beats, it was made with cells and biomaterials from a patient. It's very little, around three centimeters, but is possible to make a bigger one. This discovery was carried out by a group of scientists from the University of Tel Aviv, in Israel. The cells created, were reprogrammed to be stem cells, and then differentiated, so there were heart cells and blood vessels cells. Finally, another advantage will be that they wouldn't cause any rejection as they are generated from the patient's tissue. So they would be compatible with the patient at the immunological, cellular, biochemical and anatomical level. LINK :  https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-47937217 DATE : 16/04/2019 SCIENTIFIC SCOPE : medicinal science GLOSSARY: tissue: a group of s

Noticia 9 Álex Lapuerta

La “baya mágica” que transforma lo ácido en dulce podría comercializarse en España en 2020 Resumen: El nombre científico de esta mágica baya es  Synsepalum Dulcificum , aunque también se la conoce como la fruta milagrosa o baya mágica. Se trata de una planta originaria del oeste de África, exactamente de Ghana y este es el único lugar donde crece de manera salvaje. Es importante destacar que en otras partes del mundo como por ejemplo Taiwan o Florida ya se ha empezado a cultivar pero con resultado desigual. La popularidad de esta peculiar baya se debe a que tiene una propiedad muy particular: en contacto con la lengua, transforma la percepción de los alimentos ácidos y amargos en dulces. Su magia no tiene nada de sobrenatural, y esta reside en una glicoproteína, llamada miraculina que se enlaza a las papilas gustativas y enmascara completamente los sabores ácidos y amargos durante un tiempo de entre treinta y sesenta minutos.  Para lograrlo, se adapta a los receptores del sabo

Noticia 1 Tercer trimestre

- Header Teens 'not damaged by screen time', study finds - Summary A new study by The Oxford University counters claims that teenagers' mental and physical health could be damaged by excessive screen time. - Link or reference https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-47825826 - Date 5 April 2019 - Scientific scope Technology - Glossary - Commmentary Since always my parents told me that too much screen is bad for me and never let me stay in front of my computer for many hours but, it is true?, can a screen damage your kid if he looks it before going to sleep? This new study claims that it isn’t, so why our parents told that?  All is because older studies with questionable credibility like one of San Diego University that claimed that one hour of screen time might mean children and teens have less curiosity, lower self-control and less emotional stability. I think that all of this is sad, our parents always look for the best in our lives and the