Noticia 1 Tercer trimestre

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Teens 'not damaged by screen time', study finds

Resultat d'imatges de niño con una tablet

- Summary

A new study by The Oxford University counters claims that teenagers' mental and physical health could be damaged by excessive screen time.

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- Date

5 April 2019

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- Commmentary

Since always my parents told me that too much screen is bad for me and never let me stay in front of my computer for many hours but, it is true?, can a screen damage your kid if he looks it before going to sleep?
This new study claims that it isn’t, so why our parents told that?
 All is because older studies with questionable credibility like one of San Diego University that claimed that one hour of screen time might mean children and teens have less curiosity, lower self-control and less emotional stability.

I think that all of this is sad, our parents always look for the best in our lives and they don’t have the fault to believe studies that in their moment seemed legit. I think too that in the future we need to do a bigger study to determinate once and for all if the screens are dangerous or not because in the new world that is approaching screens are going to be everywhere so we might need to protect ourselves and our kids against it.


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