Noticia 9 Marc Larruy

The first mini live heart printed in 3D and made with human tissue and veins

Corazón impreso 3D.


A team of researchers created a living heart using human tissue and a 3D printer for the first time. That heart is alive and beats, it was made with cells and biomaterials from a patient. It's very little, around three centimeters, but is possible to make a bigger one.

This discovery was carried out by a group of scientists from the University of Tel Aviv, in Israel. The cells created, were reprogrammed to be stem cells, and then differentiated, so there were heart cells and blood vessels cells.

Finally, another advantage will be that they wouldn't cause any rejection as they are generated from the patient's tissue. So they would be compatible with the patient at the immunological, cellular, biochemical and anatomical level.

DATE: 16/04/2019
SCIENTIFIC SCOPE: medicinal science
GLOSSARY: tissue: a group of similar cells forming a structural part of a living thing
                     stem cells: the most important type of cells


After reading this new I thought, "that's impossible, and artificial heart made with a 3D printer? No, that's a joke. As, a few years later I heard from a 3D printer, and that was like, "wow!", but now a functional heart made with that...

Well, the science will never cease to amaze us, but a part of that, that discovery is excellent, is a perfect way to save a lot of lifes. The heart is an organ that can't be transplanted and this allow to bring a new heart to people that needed.

Also, it's true that it isn't so easier, we need a bigger heart adapted to our needs, but that's a big step for the future medicine. So I think that we must investigate more, maybe testing with animals and don't stop until we've found the solution.


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