Noticia 2 tercer trimentre

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'Extremist' Google algorithms concern ex-police chief

Resultat d'imatges de cybercrimes

- Summary

Ex-Met Police assistant commissioner Sir Mark Rowley says it is a disgrace a jailed radical preacher ranks top for search term "British Muslim spokesman" and that "These algorithms are designed to push us towards contentious material because that feeds their bottom line of advertising revenues, by pushing readers to extremist material."
He complains about the fact that sites like google are pushing us into controversial pages that in many cases are radical and encourage violence, to prevent that he demands to the companies to edit her algorithms to prevent that.

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- Date

26 April 2019

- Scientific scope


- Glossary

Algorithm -Is an unambiguous specification of how to solve a class of problems and can perform calculation, data processing, automated reasoning, and other tasks.

- Commmentary

I have chosen this new because it proposes a very interesting debate: should we limit what people can see in internet looking after the interests of the majority? And should we give the power to do this to a machine like an algorithm?

In one hand if we limit what people can see, like blocking extremists web pages and news we could improve the security of our countries because less people can be influenced with terrorists’ acts, and the people wouldn’t have fear to that people which is the main point of the terrorists.

In the other hand if we start blocking pages who we decide what pages have to be blocked and what none? We leave that responsibility to an algorithm or we create an organization that does that? Who controls the overwatches?

All of this question have to be solved and quickly because with the facilities of the world of today to access the internet more and more bad people are starting to create pages or posting things that could be dangerous.


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