Noticia 6 Amós García


Mother and son 'tried to warn Apple of bug'

Resultat d'imatges de facetime
 Group FaceTime by Apple


Last Monday Apple disabled the group calling function of FaceTime while it pushes out its update to customers, the bug which allows to other persons hear what you were saying and see you before you even answer the call, was reported a week ago by a 14 years old boy from Arizona.

Link or reference

29 January 2019
Scientific scope


FaceTime-->FaceTime is a proprietary videotelephony product developed by AppleInc.
Apple is always talking about privacy “What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone” That was apple's play at CES 2019 and not even a month later we have this, a security break like no one before, that's bad news for apple.It gets worst when you see news like this, they were advised, but they don't listen.When you have a “Bug bounty” programme that pays people for finding new bugs in your products and you ignore it these things happen.

I choose this new because I don't like iPhone, they are overpriced, and they sell the last year technology like it was new, but people continue buying iPhone anyway! 
Recently their sales are getting worst because the people are starting to realize that apple is laughing on their face.I think that apple have to start listening more to their costumers and start improving their products if they don't do that their company is done.


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