Noticia 6 Marc Larruy

Giant fans in the Russian city of Sibay to fight pollution


The inhabitans of Sibay, a Russian city are living in a terrible conditions of pollution, and they've arrived at the point they have to wear gas masks to go outside. To solve this problem, the civil servants have put some big fans with the purpose of removing the air pollution.

In november appeared a sulfur dioxide cloud, and now the pollution is not affecting only the environment, is altought damaging the inhabitans health.

This enormous fans create an air flow, that will disperse the gas, and will make reduce the harmful substances in the air.

DATE: 1/02/2019
SCIENTIFIC SCOPE: Natural science and environment
GLOSSARY. civil servant: profesional of public work
                     sulfur dioxide: SO2, is a colourless gas 


I agree that's a good idea, and maybe is solving much of the pollution problems in this city, but it isn't the correct way to solve this problem that is affecting the entire world. That is like you act bad and then you say sorry, the damage is already done. What we have to do is think before acting and put a limit or a punishment if it's necessary.

And the saddest thing of this case is that the big fans were settled by public servants, and the reality is that the people are more conscious of the pollution issues than the big industries, and they are who are always advising us to recycle, to spend the least amount of energy, to use public transport...

And that's true, and is always true that a lot of people aren't awere of this, but if they want to change us, the first step they should to do is change them.


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