Noticia 7 Marc Larruy

The invention that allows using Wi-Fi to charge the cell phone



A Spanish engineer, Tomás Palacios and his team, the "MIT" have developed a way to charge the cell phone only with internet connection, so no charger is needed.

But, how is this posible? They use a little device that transform the Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves into electricity to charge smartphones, computers...

Tomás and his team have created a very thin semiconductor material from "molybdenum disulfide".

So the antenna receives the Wi-Fi signal and connects to the device, wich contains this semiconductor material. The signal moves through that material and it's transformed to elctricity at the same time.

This is how smartphones, computers, smartwatches... will be charged; that's the future.

DATE: 12/02/2019
GLOSSARY. MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                      molybdenum disulfide: MoS2


Wow, I think this is the best news today for teenagers like me, really, this has made my day happier.
First, I thought, "that's impossible" but you keep reading and everything makes sense. I've got the feeling that the future is catching us and we aren't realizing.

Another thing has surprised me is the inventor, I think I haven't heard from a spanish invention since 2 years ago at least. In fact, I liked that who could be the possible inventor of this future gadget is Spanish, and people like Tomás raise the level of Spain around the world with things like that.

In my opinion this invention needs to be investigated thoroughly, as it can be very useful for everyone, and could make a revolution in the technological world. Also it would make a lot of money, and maybe that's the part of the technological world that not everybody wants to listen but it's true.

Finally, I only want to say that this is the dream of everyone who uses a mobile phone, and this will make a lot of people happy, so, if anyone who knows about technological engineering is reading this, please, make our dream come true.


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