NOTICIA 10 Marc Larruy

An antidote for the most poisonous living being on Earth is created

«Chironex fleckeri», también conocida como avispa de mar, es la especie de medusa más letal. Se encuentra sobre todo en las costas de Australia


Researchers of the University of Sydney have discovered an antidote for the deadly bite of the world's most poisonous creature; the box jellyfish, which lives mainly in Australian coastal waters. Only one of them has enough poison to kill 60 people.

This antidote uses the "CRISPR" gene editing technique which is able to block necrosis and pain. It is a powerful tool that allows to edit the genome cheaply and efficiently, using molecular scissors. In this case, the researchers used it to block multiple human genes one by one.

They have managed to make the first molecular dissection of how this type of toxin works, and it's possible that it works with any poison. They have created the first molecular antidote.

DATE: 1/05/2019
SCIENTIFIC SCOPE: medicinal science
GLOSSARY: CRISPR: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
                     Necrosis: is a form of cell injury


Since I was a child I have always had fear to poisonous animals like snakes, scorpions and jellyfishes, even more than wild animals as I knew that when they bite or touch you, you'll die in a few minutes. 

But after reading this article I feel more safe, because maybe in a few years you could have a little syringe with you, and for example when a jellyfish attacks you, you inject the medicine yourself and nothing will happen to you.

I mean, that's the future, less worries for everybody, the deaths by poison will decrease, I think that this will be another big step for medicine. Also it wouldn't be so easy, maybe it doesn't work one hundred percent with humans, or maybe the remedy is very expensive. I don't know, but anyway the scientists should keep investigating as this could safe lots of lives.


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