Noticia 4 tercer trimestre

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SpaceX puts up 60 internet satellites

Resultat d'imatges de space x images

- Summary

A Falcon-9 rocket launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida late on Thursday, packed with 60 satellites capable of giving users on the ground high-speed connections to the internet.
- Link or reference
- Date

24 May 2019

- Scientific scope


- Glossary

SpaceX-->Is a private American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by entrepreneur Elon Musk with the goal of reducing space transportation costs and enabling the colonization of Mars.

- Commmentary
This new is an evidence that space X is doing the things in the right way.

First of all, it is providing internet to all the world making connection to the internet possible in remote places and in addition to that is making cheaper satellite connection. I say that is doing these things for the right way because it is using rockets that are reusable and the satellites when are going to be no longer used are going to crash with the earth which evites making more space trash.

For this things and others I thing that space x is one of the few enterprises that is looking tot the future and not only to the present and other enterprises should look at them and start doing things for the world of tomorrow.


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