Noticia 3 tercer trimestre

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Instagram blocks vaccine hoax hashtags

Resultat d'imatges de vaccinate

- Summary

Instagram says it will block hashtags being used to spread "verifiably false" information about vaccinations.

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- Glossary

Instagram --> Is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010.

- Commmentary

This new is a very interesting one for two main reasons, because me and all of my school partners use Instagram and because it proposes a very interesting discussion, should be doing this? limiting the freedom of the people to protect themselves.

This is a clear example where we have to limit what the people can do, because if we have the security that something is dangerous for someone, we have the responsibility to protect against it and don’t promote it.People always have believed in stupid thing but although believing that earth is flat don’t injure anyone thinking that vaccine causes autism and in consequence don’t vaccine your kids is literally mortal.

At the end I think that Instagram have followed the safest way to handle this situation, not reducing to much our freedom speech but protecting some people that from her ignorance injure themselves and their kids.


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