Noticia 12 Marc Larruy




Nowadays, a smart watch can know how many steps does a person, the calories he burns and even how the night has gone by monitoring the sleep, but it can't detect our feelings. Surprisingly, Amazon is preparing a wearable that can recognize human emotions with our voice. This device would be worn on the wrist and would work with a mobile application.

A scientist explains that "currently, voice technology is advancing a lot. And there are three aspects that informs about our voice. The first thing is what they are saying, the content. Then the person who is speaking. And third, other more subtle things like the recognition of emotions.

Advances in emotional recognition systems can make an assistant adapt to the mood of the user making communication between machines and humans more empathetic.

DATE: 24/05/2019
GLOSSARY: wearable: something fit to be worn


I liked a lot this wearable, it's like a person that could understand you in your more difficult moments, even better than a person, as it hasn't got feelings or other problems. Also it could be very easy to transport since is a little clock watch.

I know that it isn't sure that this device finally works one hundred per cent, but if is not this, in two years another company will launch another one. What is sure is that this invention will become a reality, that's the best part. 

I find incredible how machines are capable of recognizing our voice as well as our feelings or emotions. Yes, they can be scheduled, but how can they listen to us, understand us, and give us an answer to our problems? I will never understand it.


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